Shri Krishna Vibrating Sieve is the most Efficient Vibrating Screen or Vibrating Sieve for Dry Screening. Vibrating Screen is compiled of mainframe, eccentric bock, screen web, rub spring, electric motor, coupler and some more. Very much suitable for chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries. Depends on physical properties and particle size of the material.
The top weight on the motor shaft rotates in a plane close to the centre of the mass of assembly, Rotation of the top eccentric weights creates vibration in the horizontal plane which causes material to move across the screen cloth to periphery increasing the top eccentric mass.
The bottom eccentric weight rotates below the centre of vibrating, mass creating till on the screen giving vibration in vertical & tangential planes increasing the vertical component of motion which promotes turn over of material on the screen surface helping maximum quantity of undersize material to pass through the screen.
The effective vertical motion helps in minimizing blinding of screen by ‘near size' particles. The tangential component of motion is controlled by the angle of lead given to bottom weight with relation to top weight.